
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Movie Cloud: New Facebook Page Is a Goldmine for Aspiring Filmmakers

I recently had the pleasure of being involved in a collaboration assignment for my classmates who were also aspiring filmmakers. Through the assignment, a goldmine of valuable information has been unearthed. This post will discuss one of the resources I located and shared with my classmates.

Many people in the entertainment industry (specifically filmmaking) can easily recognize Dov Simens, pictured below, who is famous for his 2-day Film School Course.

Learn more about Dov Simens and his famous Film School here.

Dov has outdone himself with his recent Facebook page called Movie Cloud. The fan page, which is generating thousands of likes in a short time, is geared towards tips for helping independent filmmakers get their scripts sold, acquire agents, and ultimately, get their films made.

One post in particular was quite powerful. On September 5, 2012, Dov posted an information packed article about how many A-list actors have their own production studios, and will often buy scripts. He then listed ten of them, complete with addresses and contact liaison information. He said there are over 250 of these similar boutique agencies owned by big stars. Many stars, of course, are interested in scripts that have them in mind for a fantastic role.

Another eye-opening post is from August 29, 2012, where Dov talks about the reality of how many films are made, how many TV shows are made, and how many independent works are made. He talks about the odds of getting one of the 50,000 independent and 150 studio produced films into the only 200 slots available for films of any nature. He breaks down that TV has better, but still relatively scarce odds with hundreds of thousands filmed per year, with close to that many slots available. Dov then plants a seed to go for IPTV. That is all he said, IPTV. He does not go into the definition, but IPTV stands for "internet protocol television." And, if recent trends in the popularity of streaming digital episodic content are any indication, his prediction is spot on the money.

These are just a couple of the meaty tips that Dov provides via his Movie Cloud Facebook page. It is interesting to note that more and more, people who simply love to make films are going to find new and innovative ways to do them technically, as well as fund them financially. Dov is using social media in a very powerful way, to encourage aspiring filmmakers to go in with eyes wide open to the realities, possibilities, and potential pitfalls that come with the entertainment industry.

The Movie Cloud Facebook Page, loaded with invaluable filmmaking and industry tips, can be located here.


  1. Hello Stacie,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. In undergrad I wanted find out how I could be a better writer for TV/Film. In my research I did find Dov's 2 day program. At the time it seemed to good to be true. Then I did further research and realized this guy is a need to know. I wasn't aware of the new Facebook page and have taken the time to look further into it.

    I can agree with you that this is a goldmine. I can appreciate people in the industry such as Dov who are willing to share information with people like me that just want to know where to start. I believe a lot of people are afraid to do so, scared that they may share a secret and be surpassed. I'm a believer that information is a critical tool to uncovering any type of success. Just because you share that information does not guarantee the person accepting it success. It's all in what you do with the information that determines your future.

    Again this was a great post :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Stacie,

    What a great tip you’ve given us here with this post. A writer should always look to new outlets to take their creations to in hopes of flourishing their property. Personally, it had never occurred to me to look towards already established actors' personal production houses to pitch ideas to. I think that this is a great tip provided by both you and Dov Simens. What I also found interesting was his advice to look towards IPTV. You know, personally I have never given this arena much thought, only to realize now that I am an avid user of this medium. I watch so many shows through services like Netflix, Hulu, or even on YouTube that I forget that there are so many shows are made exclusively for those outlets.

    Dov’s Facebook page really intrigues me, and thanks to you, I think he’s gained another follower. I also do agree with you that Facebook is a great platform to connect with and to add on more readers. In my case, since I am always on Facebook, I do find myself many times surfing around some of the pages I follow. I guess what I am trying to say is that I now have a new one to peruse around. Thanks Stacie and keep up the great work!
