

Merriam-Webster defines "foxy" as follows:


adj \ˈfäk-sē\ Definition of FOXY

1: resembling or suggestive of a fox <a narrow foxy face>: as  
a : cunningly shrewd  
b : of a warm reddish-brown color <foxy eyebrows>
2: having a sharp brisk flavor <foxy grapes>
3: physically attractive <a foxy lady>
Synonyms include: crafty, cunning, witty, beguiling, shrewd, sly, designing 

Stacie "Foxy" Cole has dreamed of producing movies, music, books, poetry, games, and media of all kinds that tell innovative, fantastically emotive stories ever since writing and illustrating her first book, "The Lumpheaded Horse," at age 8 during one snowy Indiana recess. The teacher had been observing her all during the recess, feverishly engrossed in her project. Remarking that she had written a book, the teacher asked to read it. Three minutes later, the teacher sifted through the pages,  as big pools of tears welled up in her eyes. She asked if she could place it on the bookshelf with the other children's books.

From that moment on, little Stacie was hooked on the power of story.

Life would take her on an interesting journey, bringing her full circle, 30 years later, back to the power of story.  All after enjoying a varied and successful career that always involved writing in some capacity. Successful positions she has held:

  • Executive Recruiter (Headhunter, Talent Scout)
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Manager of Organizational Development (Defining Roles and Who Fits Them)
  • Freelance SEO Copywriter
  • Web Content Manager
  • Internet Marketing Manager

All of the experience allowed Stacie to remain well versed in the ever flowing change of new media into the digital realm.  The possibilities now are endless.

Clever people of all kinds now have an opportunity like never before to get their innovative, creative ideas out there, without having to wade through scores of bureaucracy any more. And "foxy" creative people know how to find each other, and create exciting projects together...even from different parts of the world!

In today's world, the power of story knows no bounds.  And Foxy Cole Productions intends to explore the many glorious possibilities of story.

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