
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Digital Marketing in the Entertainment Industry, De-Mystified

"Digital Spreads Wings: HITS Digital Marketing Summit 2012," is an article focusing on how digital marketing has impacted the entertainment business. It is written in all block text, but is still a quick read. Read the full article here.
Digital marketing is the new buzzword of the marketing industry. It can be confusing when words like mobile platform, user generated curation, and the blanket term, social media," all get thrown around in every day conversation. The entertainment industry is no exception to the digital revolution. This blog post seeks to simply a few of the basic ideas.

A recent article focusing on the power of digital content delves into the smash success of the film, the Hunger Games. The tantalizing article is titled, "Did Hunger Games Create a New Digital Marketing Template for Hollywood?"

The film did become a mega blockbuster success, largely due to fans sharing across all social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter. The article indicates that Lionsgate (the producer of the film) put an immense amount of its marketing resources into digital media content, and made it readily available and accessible for sharing.

The content, called "rich media," is any content that has a dynamic quality to it, that enables it to be shared across the various social media platforms. Understanding this concept is the key to demystifying digital marketing for any industry. Marketing is all about content, and getting that content in front of the eyes, ears, and wallets of buyers.

The marketing department at Lionsgate had a strong foundation to start from, with a healthy fan base for the already successful novel from which the film was adapted. Therefore, they created fantastic, high quality rich media based on the novel and aimed it towards the fan base. The marketing campaign grew organically from there. Social media is the ultimate word of mouth marketing.

Many companies think that all they must do is put up a fan page on a site like Facebook, for example, and then get as many "Likes" as they can. However, most well-seasoned digital marketers understand that "Likes" are rather meaningless to the bottom line, and can actually be purchased.

The article nails the one thing that every marketer of any industry should focus upon: CONTENT.

It is that simple. And, for the entertainment industry, this idea should be even simpler. Create compelling content that is in the form of rich media that can be shared. Those who appreciate it will find it, share it, and buy it.

The advent of digital marketing is a boon for anyone who wants to get his or her film, music, or television show noticed by more crowds than ever before. Create great content around your project that engages people. Once the content is created, and in the correct digital format, then it simply needs to be tagged with the right keywords, and submitted to the relevant sites. Put the content in front of those who want to see it. Thanks for setting the stage for the rest of us, Hunger Games.

Read the full article, "Did Hunger Games Create a New Digital Marketing Template for Hollywood?" here

1 comment:

  1. Social Media and Digital Marketing propose a whole array of options for the Entertainment Industry, and specifically the Film Industry. With the Hunger Games, the marketer had the advantage that the brand already had followers (one of the main reasons I think they produced the movie) because of the popularity of the book series. Nevertheless, they wanted to create buzz around it and so they did. Digital marketing for this movie I remember was on every social site I visit. They had a Twitter account, not only they had a Facebook account, they had apps and each District had it's own fan page, there was a Capitol Magazine on Tumblr, among others. They really did pay attention to content, as you mention. I thought it was brilliant, and if I know advertising, I'm going to say that they invested this kind of money and put this whole effort due to the fact that this is a series movie. Even though the social media accounts may not be active now, they still have their followers, and when the second and third movie come along it's just a matter of reactivating. Overall, watching this movie's marketing plan is really a learning experience on digital marketing. They have gone above and beyond and I'm just really excited to see what they come up with on the sequels.
