
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Digital Marketing in the Entertainment Industry, De-Mystified

"Digital Spreads Wings: HITS Digital Marketing Summit 2012," is an article focusing on how digital marketing has impacted the entertainment business. It is written in all block text, but is still a quick read. Read the full article here.
Digital marketing is the new buzzword of the marketing industry. It can be confusing when words like mobile platform, user generated curation, and the blanket term, social media," all get thrown around in every day conversation. The entertainment industry is no exception to the digital revolution. This blog post seeks to simply a few of the basic ideas.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Movie Cloud: New Facebook Page Is a Goldmine for Aspiring Filmmakers

I recently had the pleasure of being involved in a collaboration assignment for my classmates who were also aspiring filmmakers. Through the assignment, a goldmine of valuable information has been unearthed. This post will discuss one of the resources I located and shared with my classmates.

Many people in the entertainment industry (specifically filmmaking) can easily recognize Dov Simens, pictured below, who is famous for his 2-day Film School Course.

Learn more about Dov Simens and his famous Film School here.

Dov has outdone himself with his recent Facebook page called Movie Cloud. The fan page, which is generating thousands of likes in a short time, is geared towards tips for helping independent filmmakers get their scripts sold, acquire agents, and ultimately, get their films made.

One post in particular was quite powerful. On September 5, 2012, Dov posted an information packed article about how many A-list actors have their own production studios, and will often buy scripts. He then listed ten of them, complete with addresses and contact liaison information. He said there are over 250 of these similar boutique agencies owned by big stars. Many stars, of course, are interested in scripts that have them in mind for a fantastic role.

Reality Check: Literary Agent's Attacker Found Her Via Social Media

A recent article from Huffington Post has captured the attention of many about the dangers of sharing too much information, especially "real time," via social media outlets like Foursquare.

The victim, Literary Agent Pam van Hylckama Vlieg. Read the rest of the Huffington Post article here.
We have all heard of and perhaps experienced the rejection letters from literary agents. People have long commiserated about the dreaded rejection letters. Most normal people just take it in stride until they find that one agent who does have a match for their work. Most people do not seek out revenge upon the literary agent or publisher who issued the rejection letter. However, for one well liked literary agent, she did not encounter a normal person.