
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How Nelson Mandela Leveraged the Power of Storytelling

One of my favorite sites, Big Think, did a fantastic interview series with the author of the power of storytelling in all areas of life, Tell to Win, by the outspokenly brilliant Peter Gruber.

One of the videos really stood out to me.  In this little over three minutes video, Gruber relays his experience with the amazing Nelson Mandela. It was interesting to hear an account of a person who teaches the power of storytelling talk about how masterfully, eloquently, and powerfully Mandela's story about all the time he spent in prison caused him and many others to act, and to act exactly the way Mandela instructed them to.

Nelson Mandela, Prolific former President of South Africa, Magnanimous Reformer, Long-term Political Prisoner, and Master Storyteller

Most people think of storytelling as only being in novels, screenplays, or even songs.  But Gruber contends that story is how we evolved as human beings, and I tend to agree with him. All anyone has to do is research ancient hieroglyphs.  Humans have been telling stories in every arena of life, for as long as recorded history.  Every single person's life is a story, complete with acts, characters, scenes, and chapters. Story knows no bounds, not even a 29-year prison cell. Inside of each of us is at least one incredibly great and potent story: the story of life itself.

The advent of technology has now created an unprecedented arena for storytellers across all genres to express themselves, their ideas, and possibly even revolutionary stories that affect an entire country, a continent, or even the world, like Nelson Mandela.

Social media, digital content (rich media), mobile media, gaming technology, ease in developing mobile applications, advances in music creation and distribution, advances in screenwriting, and in getting novels digitally published...all have one thing in common: they are roads to convey powerful storytelling, and to get those stories in front of the exact people who would love them. 

Story begins in the human experience. It begins in the heart.

What is in your heart to tell?

We're all waiting for YOUR story...

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