
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Reviews: Three Epic Entertainment Industry Podcasts

Make sure to bookmark Gordon's site, to stay abreast of the latest industry news

Entering the entertainment industry can be a daunting prospect, if one isn't prepared legally. So finding a fantastic podcast site and blog about the legal aspects of the entertainment industry is like having a mentor and storyteller available all the time. The site is called Entertainment Law Update Podcast, run by Gordon P. Firemark, Esq. Gordon eloquently reviews in layman's terms (and a pleasant voice) various cases that have been brought in the industry. Through his reviews and guest interviews, the legal jungle is a bit more demystified. Furthermore, on his site he leaves links to each of the cases he talks about, for further reviewing. I will briefly review three of his excellent podcasts in this post.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Legal Controversies Surrounding Storytelling in the Modern World

Today’s digital world can be both a blessing and a legal nightmare for the storyteller. Like no other time in history, it is easier than ever to get a story created, told, and shared via the world-wide-web and social media sites. Many stars are created practically overnight by even one video or article that went “viral.”  However, this digital blessing also has a dark side, riddled in controversy. Any storyteller of all varieties (songwriter, screenwriter, movie producer) must be aware of this dark side, and the controversies that surround it, in order to stay one step ahead in the game. This post will delve into three different controversies surrounding screenwriting.